"Great Bernese"
The "Great Bernese" is a cross between the Great Pyrenees and the Bernese Mountain Dog. They are not a recognized or registerable AKC breed. Both the Great Pyr and Berner have earned the nickname "Gentle Giant." And Great Bernese dogs, as a cross between these two incredible breeds, likewise make wonderful family dogs and many make great livestock guardian dogs as well.
Our goal for the Great Bernese is to produce puppies that have a longer life span than Bernese Mountain Dogs and do not roam like the Great Pyrenees. Because they are a hybrid, they experience "hybrid vigor" which simply means they tend to be healthier than the individual breeds. But all puppies are individuals and we do not guarantee any specific traits.
Great Bernese are very beautiful, large dogs. They have a life expectancy of 10-12 years. They typically weigh 70 - 115 pounds. They are very active and require exercise. They love playing outside - especially in colder weather. They also require regular grooming.
Great Pyrenees are protectors and tend to bark a lot. The "Great Bernese" cross tend to bark less, but barking tendency is very dependant on the individual dog and how it is raised.

"My husband bought our Great Bernese 10 years ago. The litter was an accidental breeding. I am thrilled to see that you are raising these incredible dogs. Fritz is the best dog we have ever had the privilege of owning. Gentle, loyal and beautiful. My husband passed away almost 4 years ago now and Fritz just turned 10 this month. He truly is just the kindest dog we've ever owned. My husband and Fritz were best buddies. I would love another but I'm kind of an old lady and don't see myself making the trip but being able to have another of these magnificent buddies might be worth the trip. I am just so pleased that you are raising these beauties."
- Becky K. from Oregon
Click here to view the Great Bernese puppies born on our farm.